Gamifying influence over consumer snack preferences

The Brief: Drive summer sales with a fun digital experience that rewards consumers for buying Jack Link’s beef jerky over ordinary snacks. (*Sasquatch must play big role.) 

The Idea:
Show consumers how to defend themselves from ‘bad snack’ attacks with a digital game that trains them to gather Jack Link’s meat snacks.

“Sas-Swattin” presented a legendary challenge: collect all 4 SKUs of Jack Link’s 100% beef products while smacking away bad stuff like cookies, chips and doughnuts.

Avoiding other snack options became second nature as you (Sasquatch) gathered Jack Link’s products—great practice for your next trip to a C-store or grocery aisle.

(Uploading your Jack Link’s receipt unlocked a chance to win jerky, swag and other prizes)


To compensate for a limited prizing budget, we created free downloadable ‘Sas-art’ (Zoom backgrounds) for all non-winners as consolation prizes.


I conceived the game idea and collaborated with front-end to develop the mechanic, established the game rules and directed the game board creation, and curated the ‘Sas Art’ collection.